Our Daily Ed
One afternoon while talking with my sister, I learned of her husband’s idea of starting up a social media channel that would feature his unique observations of the world. He (Ed) is a particularly witty, playful, and intelligent chap and so, I noodled up some candidate names that might best reflect his unique character, insights, and manner of being. Of the dozen or so ideas I suggested, this one resonated the most with both parties on multiple levels. I then set myself to the task of surprising the couple with some artwork that could be used to promote his intended endeavour (I had developed similar pieces for numerous clients in the past and figured I might try my hand at it once more). The result: a folksy, “yesteryear” label with which to frame our introspective subject. I also managed to locate a photograph of Ed in the process and use it to create a facsimile of his visage for inclusion in the logo to give it a more personal touch. Upon reflection, the covert production of the graphic was just as much an expression of the playful nature of its recipient as it was my own mischievous tendencies: a duality of intent and attitude that both promoted its conception and delivery, and sustains its vitality going forward.