Canadian Cyber In Context

Created for an online newsletter specializing in the monitoring and analysis of Canadian cyber defense policy and procurement issues, this concept features two stylized “C”s interlocked in the fashion of a Möbius loop towards the creation of an impossible shape. Specifically, the optical illusion of a chain link that folds in on itself as a matter of intimating continuity, security, stability, strength, and depth of knowledge. Given the enigmatic, imaginative, visionary, and encompassing nature of the site’s subject matter, a visual presence that evoked–at least on a basal level–the expansive notions of same seemed a suitable complement. Converting the icon to a speech bubble effectively doubled its meaning and significance as the two curves could then also be taken as the two sides of a dialogue or a thought. The wordmark portion of the logo incorporates two unique fonts (and cases) to create both a more novel appearance and added differentiation/emphasis. That is, the characters of the “in context” portion are more widely spaced to infer breadth and inclusion of thought as derived from the upper text which indicates the more specific, primary notion of the publication’s interests in the fashion of a headline and subhead. Finally, the descender of the speech bubble is “molded” to the curvature of the top-most text for purposes of added unity/integration and as both possesses a similar boldness in terms of shape and stroke.
©1998-2024 Chris Pavlik // Force Ten Design.